Consonance Droplet

Need feedback on this player. I have a good deal on this CDP but never head it. I'm afraid it would sound like a Shanling CD T100, anemic 2D, and polite. Comments would be very helpfull. My last CDP was a Cary 306 SACD.

Showing 1 response by fsarc

Hi Tomahack- Just curious why you sold the Cary 306 SACD? I tried the Droplet and thought it was okay- nothing special. I now own the Cary 306 SACD and think it is much better than the Droplet. The 306 (in my system) was more dynamic, had more detail, better imaging, and more engaging. I was also not impressed as some with the build quality. It appeared to have a lot of "wrapping" instead of true inside-out build quality if that makes sense.