Counterpoint SA 220

I recently purchased a Counterpoint SA 220. It's in very good condition and sounds great... just as I remember my SA 12 sounding.... BUT, I can't get rid of the hum. You think I should replace the tubes? Has anyone had in luck getting these to quiet down?
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Showing 8 responses by gbryant

They are replacing all the caps, transformer, tube sockets, power cord, etc., etc.
So far, I have had the best results plugging the SA 220 in with ground and the preamp with the ground lifted.
Sorry, no line conditioners here...

I have a dedicated circuit for my amp on the front wall between the speakers and another dedicated circuit for the components on the side wall.
I rolled the 6dj8 tubes... that helped. I grounded the CD player, lifted the preamp ground and grounded the SA 220... very little hum now.
As for the upgrades... I'll eventually do them, but for now I'm happy with the SA 220. Besides, my CJ PV-11 preamp is getting $1200 upgrade... can't afford both at this time.
Go to Conrad Johnson's website, this is the Factory repair center for CJ.
They are not 'modifying' the circuits or circuit path... they are replacing old caps with new caps and old tube sockets with new tube sockets, etc.
I like my PV-11 and I don't plan on selling it any time soon.
Got my PV-11 back... they did a fantastic job! It sounds good, but I'm sure will continue improving as all the new caps break in.
I still have the hum problem with the SA-220. I thought about having this upgraded by AltaVista. I don't know if the upgrade would fix the hum. When music is playing I can't hear it, so it really doesn't matter... I guess.

I have Vandersteen 3A Sig speakers, a VPI table... this system sounds great.