Crystal Clear vs. Home Grown

Hi friends. I´ve got a pair of Crystal Clear Master Class phono cable. This cable has a detailed and smooth sound. I want to buy a pair os speakers cable and maybe a pair of interconnect. I don´t know what cable to buy. Somebody says that Home Grown X32 and HGA series are killer cables with an incredible sound for tube amps.

Somebody who helps me?

How many silver conductor has Crystal Clear Master Class speaker cable and interconnect series? There isn´t information of this on the web page. Home Grown web has lots of information.

Thanks for your opinions.


You should try the Clear Day Cables double shotgun speaker cables with optional jumpers. For about $500 you will love these cables and they include a 30 day money back guarantee.
They are an awesome bargain in high end.
Many thanks Czbbcl for your opinion. Your experience is very important for me. Lots of users are pleased with HGA cables. Have you any experience between X32 on standard or bi-wire configuration?

Price difference is high.

Thanks in advance!
I use HGA X-32 speaker cables along with DNA interconnects and have been very pleased with them. They are very revealing and transparent. They replaced Audioquest Anaconda interconnects and Volcano Speaker cables and are much better than the Audioquest cables.

Sorry but I can not speak to the Crystal Clear Masterclass cables.