D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?

Owner/Designer Dean Deacon of D-Sonic in Houston in recent months dropped using the B&O ICE amps which he now only uses in the surround channels of his multi-channel home theater amps. He now uses a new Class-D amp in all of his Magnum2 mono and two channel amps which he states is the most technically advanced Class-D amp on the market, called the SOA Class-D core amps. The recent review in 6Moons of his new M2-1500M amp concludes its the closest that Class-D has ever come to tube amps in the upper mid-range and high frequencies.
Anyone bought or heard recently the D-Sonic M2-1500M or the M2-600M? What are your opinions?
I have been meaning to put up another chapter in my continuing evaluation of the M2-600 D-Sonic mono amps I put into play back in January. While originally a long-shot purchase after the sudden death of a well-loved pair of Atma-Sphere early 90's vinage OTLs. While I wish I could have finished by now, the project has encountered so many issues that I have not been able to keep the rest of my system stable long enough for any kind of meaningful comparison.

To date, I have written several installments concerning changes I have had to make to either my system or record-playing pre-processes in order to get the best out of them. Many of these changes were made in response to the amps' extreme accuracy and transparency spotlighting upstream conditions that had previously been below my threshold of tolerance, if not notice with the other amps. I have not yet begun to describe how they really sound with different musical selections. Nor have I addressed sound-staging or imaging abilities except for early impressions. Neither timbre nor frequency fidelity and extention have been reported yet. I still don't know if I will keep them, but now that I have stopped making changes to my system, I can soon decide.

I would like to continue to add to his thread but I am concerned I, too, may be attacked for the length of my posts. I know that I do tend to go on at times, but I am not so skilled a writer in the ways of imparting a lot of information with few enough words to satisfy certain other conributors' need for brevity.

Perhaps those who are made offended, angered, disgusted, sickened, challenged, or scared by longer postings could just look away or click 'back' on their browsers when they see so much text. But, please don't start attacking others. I really appreciate the time and effort Guido makes when trying to describe the indescribable to the rest of us. I have not found a dealer I can trust since Salon I Audio closed ten years ago. I was spoiled rotten by the owner for so long I never cared to do much of my own research before buying any equipment. Now, all I have is the internet, and I have sometimes spent hundreds of hours reading about components before purchase. I don't recall too making many bad decisions in life based on too much information.

Mcbuddah, please take as long a post as you need to describe your impressions of any equipment. Please ignore the talking head/s.

Thank you for the update. Please give us more once you have additional time hearing them in a stable system. Also can you give us what your system is made up of.

Looking foreword to an unbiased impression from someone who has ACTUALLY HEARD them.
Audiozen, or should I call you the Czar, I am sure the Marten M Amps sound great, Oh wait I never heard them yet so now I am talking like you. OK, what I mean is I expect them to perform well, and they should at 45,000 a pair regardless the brand. I respect the Marten brand.

As far as the Veritas it is VERY obvious that you have a real bad case of AGENDA.

Merrill is not the only OEM that does not want others to know what they have done to their product or allow inside shots.

And I can assure you it is not just the a case and the two stock modules and nothing else done.

Do not ask me as I do not know the details. But I do know there is more to it.

You mention how the Marten is so heavy and infer that the Veritas is not and so because of that it is inferior. But then by that would not the D-Sonic be so.

Again you want your cake and eat too.

Look, in the world of Audiophile you can not always compare apples to apples anymore.

I think it is most telling that you make most of these statements as fact or as first hand experience but in almost all the cases you have NOT actually heard what ever you praise or put dawn.

Sorry but you can not hear specifications and technology on paper. Too many times the best on paper did not sound the best upon actually hearing it. It still must convey the emotion of the music.

Lets call a truce. You make no more disparaging remarks about the Veritas or Father, oops, Pope Guido and I. I will then have no reason to correct your statements.

But seriously lets try and move on from here, OK.
Hi Al, actually, Merrill has been pretty forthright in sharing Veritas technical detail... Short of revealing internal mechanical dampening matherials and methods, he gave me enough information for me to wax poetic about Veritas internals for about 1500 words in the PFO review... No wonder King AudioHenry VIII (oops... meant Audiozen) is now considering censorial procedures to decapitate my excessive prose in the most horrific of ways...

Audiopax vobiscum!
Papa Guido XXIV