Dahlquist Dq 10 Help

Anyone can tell me wich speakers components where originally mounted on the DQ 10's? I can recognize a Motorola supertweeter and a Philips textile dome tweeter. The midrange is Telefunken? And the woofer?

Thank you very much
These dudes can answer ALL of your DQ-10 questions!

The woofer is the same as the original Large Advent woofer. If that tells you anything?
I did a google search for Dahlquist and found this info on a web page. lower mid looks like a Phillips AD5060

Also, give Simply Speakers a call or check out their web page. They rebuilt my woofers this past May for around $60 each. They also rebuilt my DQ 1W driver. I understand they can repair any driver in the DQ10. They are very good at what they do. They might also know what each driver make is.
As Rwwear stated, the woofers are Advents - the type with the masonite ring mounted over the metal basket. It is a very good woofer, reasonably long-throw (for it's era) with an oversize diameter foam surround.

If the foam surrounds are shot (which they must be) re-foam them - do not buy "replacement" drivers.
dunno-but I recall there was a production change around sn 1000 to an easier to drive woofer