DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?

any thoughts about going directly from a DCS Puccini into the Lamm M 1.2 monos? I've read that the Puccini should work pretty good fed directly into a power amp. Currently I'm using a ARC Ref 3 with a pair of Parasound JC 1, planning to substitute the JC 1 with the Lamms to get more body and weight to the sound. Speakers are the Isophon Cassiano with the diamond tweeters.

I have been searching for a great preamp for many years. I have yet to find THE one. But while I wait, my DCS plugged direct into the amps is by far the finest of sounds. Loud or soft.

If you fancy rounding your sound or dumbing down your CD collection so that even the bad CDs sound nearly as good as the great ones, then maybe getting bogged down in the preamp dilemma is a way forward. For all others DCS direct in is no slouch. Spend the money you saved on a great cable.
Chadeffect - would you please share with us which preamps among the ones you tried "dumbed your CD collection?"

I agree that a preamp has to be amazing to match the transparency of DCS plugged in direct. However, in our experience, preamps like that do exist - although not too many.....
Hi Kyomi_audio,
If you know of a great preamp please tell me. I think my list is even shorter.

I liked the VTL 7.5 very much and a few ARCs including the ref 3, I am trying the ref 5. The SS orpheus pre was good too.

I am afraid most were tube preamps I am accusing of dumbing down.

I found that many tube pres added a form of soundstage depth through that fat/rounded lower mid and bass or lack of control of it.

I know many audiophiles love that and think that is what highend sounds like. I dont want to hear the equipment. I want to hear what the guys in the studio decided on. Not some guy that found he liked rolled off treble or some eq or whatever. I got so bored of tube rolling.

For some music that was fine. But across the board that masking made it difficult for me to enjoy the wide range of musical styles I listen to. Especially when you have the option to hear your source direct. I only have 1 source so it is less of a problem for me.

To name and shame a few would be harsh, but some were the CAT Ultimate ,Audio valve (although great for the money), ARC LS25,LS17, some SS types were Musical fidelity, Levinsons (the no 32 was good). To be honest none could compete with direct in. It is even worse with high sensitivity speakers as any residual noises are laid bare.

Ultimately attenuation is all that is needed if everything else is working well.
I have shortly heard the dCS Puccini driving directly a Rowland 312 ...

yes, more transparent, more details but maybe almost too bright ... ?

I have to make the test on my system