DCS Scarlati v Esoteric P-01,D-01

Has anybody out there had the opportunity to do an A/B comparision between the full blown DCS Scarlati system and the Esoteric P-01,D-01 & GO,s 5 box system.

Showing 3 responses by clavil

better VRDS NEO ??

isn't the Scarlatti using exactly this one?

the MBL combi should also be mentionned
the absolute sound August 2008:

Where, you may be asking, is all of the dCSes’ added density of
information coming from? Bits is bits, ain’t they? Well, apparently
not, at least not until after they’re been retrieved from a CD by
the Scarlatti’s drive (which uses Esoteric’s top-of-the-line VRDS
Neo mechanism with dCS’s own proprietary control board),“randomly distributed throughout the quantizing range… effec-
tively turn[ing] any tolerance errors into random white noise,
which is far more benign than the distortion that would other-
wise have occurred.” I’m not technical enough to say for sure

and how is the sound?

I have now heard both, the Scarlatti is fare the better one, more resolving and always musical.