I’m very new to this. I read several posts concerning deqx, but am still confused and wonder if it’s for me. To all who have first hand experience, pls give me your thoughts and experiences. I was mainly looking for a room correction device, but see the new model “5” has all I need to stream. My son has been trying to get me to try streaming, but I have resisted. Looks like this may be a good reason to incorporate it into my sources. From what I’ve read, seems like a very complicated set-up procedure. Also, where would it be placed in my system? I have a TT, CD player, a phono stage, line stage and two monoblocks. Last question: since I do not stream, will a laptop also be needed?  BTW-I have Wilson MaxxII’s. It seemed in the posts, it mattered a great deal, which speaker you’re using.

Showing 1 response by steakster

Almarg would be the resident expert on DEQX. Consider his feedback as reference grade material. You can take his advice to the bank.

It seems that your question should be divided into two parts:
- Streaming

Each one alone has a steep learning curve to ’get it right’ for High Fidelity. To get it just ’up & running’, no so much. Once they’re both tuned in, it definitely will be worth the effort. Plan on it taking several months, if not more. Most likely, your son would be instrumental in helping you navigate the IT part. Patience is the key.

Since I started streaming Tidal, I haven’t purchased a CD in 3 years. With millions of titles in their library, unlimited selections are instantly available within a split-second. It’s especially great for discovering new music.
It seemed in the posts, it mattered a great deal, which speaker you’re using.
Not really. Obviously, you have a very nice rig. To get streaming to sound comparable to your other sources, will require determination. The quality of my streaming now exceeds that of my CD transport/DAC combo. But, a lot of work went into making that happen. Most of that effort and expense went into clean power for the digital data flow. It was worth it.