Describe the ideal high end audio dealership

Please describe, in detail ,your personal opinion as to what the ideal high end audio dealership would be. Sales/demo policies, store atmosphere/layout, trade ins/ trade ups, ect. What products interest you the most?

Are you more drawn to brand new designs? The Presence of large statement pieces on display? The reassuring presence of well established and familiar lines? What about newer lines that appear promising?

What characteristics would your ideal hi end audio dealership possess? What bothers you most?

Do you prefer the traditional brick and mortar storefront or a more personal approach offered by the home based dealership/appointment structured store?

Describe what you feel, in your personal opinion, are the greatest positive attributes of your favorite dealerships.

This thread is intended for the hobbyist consumers, not dealers or manufacturers.

Showing 1 response by aptquark

I can only speak for online dealers, since there is no local entity where I live. Idealy, for myself, I would like to know that the amount of money spent is NOT directly proportional to the time the dealer chooses to allocate to me. Big no no in my book. Also, because it is known that the dealer makes a pretty hefty commission from the sale, if there were any future problems with the device (especially if new) that the dealer would take every step to correct the problem. Simple ideologies...but very obvious when not followed. Those are the two big issues for me.