Describe the ideal high end audio dealership

Please describe, in detail ,your personal opinion as to what the ideal high end audio dealership would be. Sales/demo policies, store atmosphere/layout, trade ins/ trade ups, ect. What products interest you the most?

Are you more drawn to brand new designs? The Presence of large statement pieces on display? The reassuring presence of well established and familiar lines? What about newer lines that appear promising?

What characteristics would your ideal hi end audio dealership possess? What bothers you most?

Do you prefer the traditional brick and mortar storefront or a more personal approach offered by the home based dealership/appointment structured store?

Describe what you feel, in your personal opinion, are the greatest positive attributes of your favorite dealerships.

This thread is intended for the hobbyist consumers, not dealers or manufacturers.

Showing 3 responses by phd

The most important aspect of any high-end dealership is that the salesman knows more than you. I just hate it when the salesman has not familiarized himself with the features & sonics of whats being sold.

Second, I like to be able to borrow on loan a piece of gear for home trial. Most always this entails a drivers license with deposit or credit card but eliminates alot of footwork & headaches. This is important, I don't necessarily need to hear equipment in their showroom, I want to take it home and see what it sounds like in my room with my speakers and associated gear.

Finally it is great to see a variety of high-end gear to choose from rather than specializing in one particular brand.
Jazdoc, very good, it is Seattle where I go for audio gear. Definitive Audio is a great place. Don't leave out Bob at Hawthorne Stereo. On several occasions Bob has allowed me to take home a couple pieces of gear at a time without as much as a penny down. However in all fairness I have been shopping there for years & Bob is very honest & knowledgable.
Chris74, thankyou sir for reminding us to stick to the original question. Anymore dealer advertising will be dealt with severely so I'm with you.