Digital Amps vs Solid State Amps

Has any one compared a fully broken in, quality digital (class D) amp to a solid state (class A) amp. We have a Levinson 333.5. Other than light weight, less electrical draw, and cooler operation, will Class D amps out-perform Amps similar to to the 333.5? We are driving Thiel 3.6's.

Frequency extension, depth, holographics, bass control, treble control, slam, dynamics, staging, detail, mids, etc are it.

Showing 4 responses by magfan

first, 'd' doesn't stand for 'digital' was the next letter in order to be used.

My ASP / ICE moduled PSAudio integrated is fast, accurate and plays well with my panels. I wouldn't call it lean OR bloated. I may not have enough background and audition / listening experience, but this amp is totally satisfying and musical.

At pretty loud levels I have used my DVM and only see about 8 volt peaks shoot by. I'm sure by the time I hit 35v peaks, the police would be banging on the door.
Thanks, Al, I was just getting back to this and you'd covered it.

I think the first 'd' amps were years ago, before SS. So they must have been tube.
Is that the same Sinclair who was involved in early computers?
'X-10'.....Hmmmm wasn't that revived by BSR with the home remote thing?
Was Sinclair involved with that TOO?
I'm thinkin' thats the one. My friend built one from a kit.
It was really small......certainly smaller than cigar box size.

The same guy later helped CLOSE Zilog up in Idaho after working there for over a decade. They closed maybe 4 or 5 years ago, tops.
I've worked in semiconductor processing as far back as when Western Digital made its own silicon. The first 'floppy' I ever saw was dinner plate size....8"