Do Countries Have a "House" Sound

I've been mulling over whether countries that manufacture audio equipment produce a sound peculiar to them. For instance, do you automatically assume gear from Germany has more an engineered, detailed quality whereas the UK, for instance, might have more PRAT.

Is there anything to this idea?

Showing 3 responses by bodhi

I would say that Japanese and Swisse audio gear has a familiar house sound from my experience. Japanese audio gear usually sounds smooth, warm, velvety, though a bit 'polite', whilst Swisse audio gear has a similar sound, though with an emphasis on resolution/transparency and overall sophistication (which in many ways reflects their swiss watch precision). The downside is that Swisse gear can sound a bit 'thin' to my ears.
Wisnon, thank you for your expansive reply. I suppose I was referring to the French speaking part. Bare in mind however I was only making a generalized comment. I'll leave the culture, geography and demographics to others.