Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?
Why don't e\we all take our toys and go home and listen to music!! BOL on whatever it is that floats your musical boat.
Are there any hi-fi stores amoung this list of Southern Cal. audio/video shops? Maybe all but 1 are (what you consider) mid-fi? In your initial post, you only mentioned McIntosh being carried by 2 (what you consider) mid-fi shops, but admit in your next post that there is (what you consider) 1 hi-fi store that carries Mc gear, with a disclaimer it is just because of the Asian clientele.

Taters, it is your intent that I really question by posting this thread in the first place. If you don't like McIntosh for whatever reason, that is fine. But like it or not, McIntosh is one of the most loved and respected lines of gear in the world.

As far as Shelleys Audio and Audio Concepts, to me them carrying McIntosh makes them a Hi-Fi store that carries brands to satisfy a wide range of audio/video customers. Sounds like a reasonable market strategy to me.
Dave, after following your threads for a while it seems you change equipment alot... and top dollar stuff too. I would be hard pressed to find many Mac products that cost as much as the new and improved again MIT 2.2 speaker cable you use. That could influence your comment about Mcintosh which is only your opinion and IMO is a ridiculous statement.
It's somewhat ironic and amusing that a Krell owner questions whether or not Mac is high end.