

Responses from dpac996

Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
I guess we wouldn’t be audiophiles if we weren’t complaining about something, remote controls included. LolHopefully things sound better for you soon. As for better measurements, how would one extrapolate such results to actual preception of sound... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
That’s not what I experienced. The 507’s sonic signature has been super even and nothing lost or really gained since day one. I, however, have had a few biological issues myself and currently fighting a sinus issue that is affecting my left ear, s... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
congratulations Eric. I love my 507uxi.i thought it sounded amazing from hour one on. I've had it for 4 weeks now. i recently came from a Primaluna Dialogue HP premium.  The Lux is much more to my liking. I've been through many nice ss and tube am... 
From tubes to SS amp : Ayre, Belles, Pass or else ?
Luxman 507ux.I came from a Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium integrated, most recently. I share your concerns about tubes.I have owned Pass x250.5 , x2.5, x1, x10. Several ARC pieces, Spendor S8e, tons of Dynaudio latest. Very good cabling all around.... 
Luxman 507uXi vs. Luxman 507uXii
hoopster, what else should we expect Luxman dealers to say...lolI have a 507uxi and I find it absolutely sublime. Love the synergy with my Dynaudio Contour 30's; Does it all.Good luck and let us know what you find out. 
Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like
@arturgorniak I was wondering about the sonic differences between the 507ux and the 509x...if you have ever compared them.btw, a quick update: the 507ux is a wonderful wonderful match with Dynaudio Contour 30's; I just replaced the Focal Aria 948'... 
Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like
@erik_squires I recently acquired a new Luxman 507ux; So far I like it very much. Initially used with Focal Aria 948s, and now Green Mountain Callistos; very soon I will be taking delivery of new Dynaudio Contour 30's and look forward to that pair... 
Meitner/EMM Labs Firmware Upgrade = Sonic Bliss
BUMP. Curious about impressions with the MA-1 Dac with the hardware V2 upgrade that came out in 2017. I am about to pull the trigger for this hardware/firmware update on my MA-1.Thanks! 
Follow-up to my question some weeks ago about an amp for Dynaudio Contour 20s
I agree! PL Dialogue HP premium is an astonishing component that makes real music.  
Classe Model Ten or McCormack DNA-125? Or...?
I also vote McCormack.  Amazing amps. My original DNA 0.5 that i bought off audiogon in 2005 still going strong in my brother's system. I like to grab it every so often to reference my merry go round equipment over the years. Always a treat to hea... 
Tidal and Squeezebox
@drrnc2 I installed and use this on my Android. Works 100% perfectly. 
Benchmark AHB2 amplifier - what to expect?
Kijanki, Agree 100%. When you find the right system synergy, you know it. Let us know what your thoughts are after you spend some time with the AHB2! 
Benchmark AHB2 amplifier - what to expect?
Back in April/May of last year I auditioned, with the intent to buy, the AHB2. I read pretty much every report, paper, review, etc on this piece because I was in the market for an amp --looking for a good fit with my Dynaudio Contour S3.4 LEs. My ... 
Tidal and Squeezebox
Erik,Thanks for the run down. That's pretty slick. I've been wondering about using my Raspberry Pi 3 as a transport for a good USB dac. Drrsutlif, I installed the EDO update to my SBT but so far can't get my AQ dragonfly red (very good to my ears)... 
Amplification question - PrimaLuna Tubes vs. McIntosh Solid State
@samster777 I just ordered a PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated. A friend kindly brought his PL Dialogue HP Integrated to my house and we listened for a few hours. My first impression:I was stunned and floored at how well it ’connected’ with...