Do tubes need break in / burn in?

I've bought a set of NOS JAN Philips 5751 tubes to replace JJ 12AX7 in my preamp. After the change, the sound has become worse. The soundstage depth is flat, and just less involving overall. Do the tubes need break in, and if so how long do I need to burn them in?

Showing 1 response by mechans

In general burn in will take the edges off. However the sound after about 10 to 20 hours is going to represent the end product to a great extent.
Your pre may not have a circuit they will work in as mentioned above. A CD player I bought early in the hobby just made a GAWD awful shriek of painful protest when I subbed them.
I recognize that many will argue that a tube fleshes out with time and it's true, but that takes place gradually over a long period. In the interim, however, the tube will show what it is going to be.
To me immediate burn in has almost always been a smothing up with some getting significantly fuller tones. However Flat earth to halographic soundstage is not what I have experienced.
It really sounds like a really bad pair of 5751s.
When they do work out, they function beautifully as a stage expanders with halographic imagery. I started with Jans and they sent me sliding down the slippery collecting slope.