Does bridging give you the monoblock sound??

I have a Parasound HCA 1500a which is rated at 205wpc @ 8 ohms. I'm considering buying a second one and running them in bridged mode which will give me 630 wpc @ 8 ohms. Will this have the same effect as using actual monoblocks? From what I've read is that the major plus that monoblocks offer is imaging. That's what I'm striving for,,,,,,,,,,,pinpoint imaging. I know that there are a lot of other things that contribute to good imaging but I'm just curious about this aspect of it.
A lot of bridgeable amps sound worse in bridged mode than in stereo. I cannot say about yours. An alternative would be to use one amp to biamp each of your Studio 20s with one channel powering the tweeter terminals and the other powering the woofer terminals. Essentially you will have the benefits of bi-amplification and mono blocks. It should be easy to compare the mono mode if you set them up like this.
Viridian hit it on the head. I would try vertical bi-amping, horizontal bi-amping and then bridging as listed in that order. Vertical bi-amping offers several advantages IF the speakers are a more demanding load in only one of the frequency ranges. If both the top end are demanding i.e. highly reactive and / or low impedance, horizontal may be better. With your speakers, i would think that vertical might work best. Sean
Viridian and Sean are deadright. Basically I have nothing to add. I've used two Spectral 200 class A amps, one for each speaker-side , to drive two pairs of Stax F93 stators to this day. I suppose that is ( a subform of ) what Sean calls horizontal biamping. Also in my experience bridging amps can constrict the midrange and noticeable increase grain, the only exception I know of are the DMA50 Spectral amps, which retain their speed and pristine clarity also when bridged.
Detlof, this is the first time in my life that I have been dead right on anything. I was wondering if you could tell my wife.
Whether you want it or not in bridged mode you have a case with cancellation of out of phase signals. If amps are dual-monos than more-likely you would want to vertically biamp.
Marty, mine would tell your better half not to bother, if the statement came from me. It is probably exactly that, what Marakanetz meant with the cancellation of out of phase signals. Your wife and mine would probably agree, that we're mostly out of phase anyway. The only thing, all four of us might agree upon is, that horizontal biamping is generally more comfortable, with generally the same pleasing results, as compared to vertical biamping. Cheers,
When biamping, the two amplifiers serve totally different types of drivers. Why then would the relatively subtle differences between two decent amplifiers be important, as some people say in favor of the vertical configuration?

As a serial biamper, let me say that I have configured systems for two reasons... (1)...To put the more powerful amplifier where power is needed...(2)....To put the better quality (low distortion) amplifier in the HI slot where distortion would be most noticable.

Each driver in your speaker system is optimized for a particular frequency range. Ideally the different amplifiers would also be optimized according to their application.
The vertical configuration presupposes that the amplifiers ane exactly identical as they are in the original posters case.