Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
tnx for guidance...i heard bout viennas...but i like more neutral speakers...im not limited on one kind of music...sometimes i like more foward sometimes laid back...not allways laidback...but ill stick with dyns i think i will be overall pleased...if i get your story they are right in the middle...with little luck my dealer will have mk2 in a few months so i will audition them and make my final decision...meanwhile i will try to audition some other gear...i will see if subwoofer will be needed...i will take dyn sub 600 if needed...think that would be best for synergy...cheers
You got it. The Dyn C1's are the best of all worlds of music. At least that's my opinion. As far as a sub the Dyn subs do not have a high level input. I, like most do not have a sub out. Yeah I can use the pre-out but would prefer high level.
dont joke on accordion...i listen Tom Waits alot
really:) I would add pipes,guitars,drums,various voices at normal to loud listening levels

speakers niether i can listen to all combinations here in croatia so i want take proper speakers and integrated for most kind of music...too bad we are not market
people in Germany like to combine dynaudio with Trigon electronics.Some dealers in eu do that.Quite good combination.Krell electronics adds drive and punch to dynaudio.You can always choose used amps at cheaper price
Trigon el. never heard...ill check...but exelent to know that dyns are so refined and most of the instruments sound lifelike...when i listened some old SF monitor before 8 yrs. i concluded that they play exelent acoustic string instruments...but encountered some problems on more heavyer and more dynamic music...so its blessing to have speakers that all music works well...Xti my dream is exelent full range florstander and separates without subwoofer but cannot afford so in my opinion in this chase it would be nice to have sub with dyns to cover below 45hz for more lifelike sounding and with good integrated that has sub out...thats far cheeper and overall preety decent equipment to all normal people...
.Xti my dream is exelent full range florstander and separates without subwoofer but cannot afford so in my opinion in this chase it would be nice to have sub with dyns to cover below 45hz for more lifelike sounding and with good integrated that has sub out...thats far cheeper and overall preety decent equipment to all normal people...
I think that's everyone's dream. But dreaming aside I will say my Rel B3 is crossed over at 32hz. It has a high level input so the cable is connected to the speaker posts on the Ovtave. So in my opinion the sub-out is not a requirement. Getting the sub setup right does require some work so you can't hear where it is. Most folks (myself included) set the sub too high to begin. The other thing is to get the timing/phasing right. Most subs come with a 0 or 180 degree phase switch. From there you may need to move the sub closer or farther to get it to blend properly. You don't want the output of the sub leading or lagging the sound from the speaker. I've had some people come over who could really care less about audio saying WOW do those little speakers sure can hit some really low notes. Again the C1's do very well without a sub and there is very little below 40hz on most recordings. But when it is there WOW