Ear Protection

I'm just curious about how often you wear ear protection. I know that growing up my grandfather had hearing problems due to war and loud working environments. He always advocated ear protection to his kids and grandchildren. I always wear ear protection when mowing, using the tractor, weed whipping, flying, loud concerts, really anything louder than I could hear a soft voice from ten feet. I've never measured it but feel it is important. I let go a little when listening to music but prefer medium volumes.
I know this has come up before but does anyone have any experience one way or the other? Do you listen louder and louder over the years? Are you aware of hearing loss or do you ignore it? How do you test it?

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

I wear ear protection regularly, except when I'm 'listening'. Many times at work, when required, and while doing most yardwork.
