Early 1970's rock: Name some of your favorites

I've been listening to a local FM station a little more recently and have been enjoying some of the "flashbacks" that they've been playing. I'm primarily talking about stuff from Bowie, Roxy Music, Velvet Underground and yes, even the Stones, etc...

As such, i thought it would be neat to dredge up the past and ask some of you to contribute a "few" of your favourite albums from this time. This might also help others find some "gems" that may have been overlooked. Just remember, we're talking early to mid 1970's, not your favourite rock albums of all time. Sean
I was born in '74... can't believe I forgot the Steve Hillage stuff: Arzachel, Khan, Gong and his early solo stuff (and not to forget Dave Stewart's band "Egg".) Duanegoosen scooped the Canterbury link with Henry Cow. How about Happy the Man, and Hatfield + the North? At least one of the HTM guys (Stanley Whittaker) is active in the modern pomp band Ten Jinn, which is just great if you've got an iron stomach.

Just scored a bunch of Sylvania '74 6BM8s for my Wave monos in the bedroom, they sound awesome. Not a bad year ; )
Mwilson, I've got a Happy the man LP; some of the guys I was in college with knew some of the Happy the Man musicians somehow; I was going to mention Steve Hillage too, especially 'L'--his best solo work in my opinion. 'FIsh Rising' was good too.
Oh, yeah, another GREAT progressive 70's band--Crack the sky. 'Animal Notes' and Safety in numbers; I still listen to that.
The intial post states '70-75 several of the above mentions are creeping into the 2nd half of the 70's.
Queen post A Night At..,Reo,Styx,Be Bop and several others.............
Ben, not to quibble, but are you sure of your dates? Be-Bop Deluxe Axe Victim and Futurama were 1974 releases, Night at the Opera is copyrighted 1975 on my MOFI Cd. I'm sure I listened to Styx "Lady" and whichever REO album had 'Riding the Storm Out' on it while a junior in high school, which would been 75, although since I don't have those LP's I can't be certain. Of course, given my 'state of mind' those days, I'm surprised I can remember anything!