EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??

I'm looking for suggestions for this type of Integrated. Most recent amps use KT88's in triode/ultralinear modes. Are there quality amps that are all triode or triode /ultralinear switchable. I'd like more than 30 TRIODE watts.
Any suggestons? Budget....flexible based on quality.
Does anyone have experience with the Jadis Orchestra integrated? I know it's not triode but...
Talk to member Trelja. I am almost certain he has been very enthusiastic about the Jadis. BTW, don't reject the ARS because its not switchable to triode w/o hearing it, or the VAC because its underpowered by 3 watts (negligible difference at best). Both are very, very good.
The ARS would be great, but I'd prefer to stay under their 4K
price tag.
The VAC sounds GREAT, but is long discontinued...will keep my eyes open for a resale. Thanks for your suggestions.