
Responses from jdolgin

Clayton Audio - Alive and very well
Audiobrian,I'm a happy owner of M200 mono's.I'd like to send them back to Wison Shen for current upgrades. Did you deal with him directly to buy your amps, or a local dealer. Do you have current contact info for Clayton?Thanks 
Tube Amplifier for Thiel
I have used Thiel speakers for many years, in many different systems. They need power, but much more importantly, the need solid state or high powered tube amplifiers that can provide substantial amounts of CURRENT into low impedance loads.Three g... 
2 REL Strata Subs and Mono amps
Amazing....how complex the solution can be for a seemingly simple question.Oh well, I guess in the hiigh end game NOTHING is ever simple.Thanks everyone.jdolgin 
2 REL Strata Subs and Mono amps
Hifigeek,Many thanks.It's just so frustrating to get no tech support from AR after so many years as an owner of MANY of their products, and, having had such good customer service over the years.I guess nothing stays the same.Other than audiophiles... 
2 REL Strata Subs and Mono amps
Thanks for all of your input.My issue deals with the specific nature of my Audio Research VM220 Mono Blocamplifiers. They accept BOTH balanced and single ended inputs with a toggle switch selecting the appropriate configuration. So....I'm not clea... 
Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable
Slowhand,You asked a pretty clear question in your original post. I'm astonished by the responses you've received based on no direct experience with the products in question. If someone actually is interested in the question, they can actually exp... 
EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??
Swampwalker,The ARS would be great, but I'd prefer to stay under their 4Kprice tag.The VAC sounds GREAT, but is long discontinued...will keep my eyes open for a resale. Thanks for your suggestions. 
EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??
Does anyone have experience with the Jadis Orchestra integrated? I know it's not triode but... 
EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??
Kettle,Do you know the power output of the Cary SLI 80 with the EL34's? 
EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??
I'm especially interested in EL34 based amps.The Cary uses KT88 output tubes.Thanks. 
Does the wilson sophia 1 sound good only with perf
Mgguy,I have a very similar system. Wilson Sophia I's, Audio research Ref 3 Pre/ Ref CD7/ and Audio Research VM220 Mono Blocks. If the sophias are not set up exactly correctly, they will sound hard in the upper mids/lower highs.When positioned cor... 
Desktop Speakers for 10 wpc 300B Integrated
Wow Swampwalker,The TSM's are an interesting suggestion.They're fantastic speakers....right up my alley.Has anyoune used the TSM's on a desktop? 
Desktop Speakers for 10 wpc 300B Integrated
Does any one know about small 2 way boxes that are efficient enough for 10 watt 300B amps? Are there none? 
Desktop Speakers for 10 wpc 300B Integrated
The omen is a great idea, but probably too large for my desk. Good thought though. Any other ideas? 
My Venture into Hifi with Vandersteen Model 1
Stick with the Vandersteen Model 1 & the Mac Monos.A number of years ago I drove a pair of 1B's with a Quicksilver GLA stereo amp (35-40 wpc). It was glorious.The pairing made real music. Set up the Model 1's properly,use speaker wire like the...