EL34 upgrade

I'm currently experimenting with my Jolida JD302B and various tubes. I have 3 makes and each are vastly different from each. In terms of preference I would order them as such: (1) Svetlana, (2) Sovtek, (3) Shuguang. They are all the budget versions. I am considering upgrading to either the SED Winged C or Gold Lion Reissue. So my question, is whether I would expect improvements to the preferred Svetlana? I have a pricepoint of $200 for a matched quad and not sure whether I need to go higher to really hear a difference. Also I'm sure I'm sure there are others, so please weigh them in as well.


Showing 9 responses by mikirob

The tube that Jim recommends is 6n3c-e also goes under the 6p3s-e designation. I have these tubes currently in my Primaluna Dialogue 1 and they have made a huge, huge, upgrade in sound. Soon, I am going to place 12 of these baby's in my Cary v12. Only $65.00 a matched Quad. They are silly good NOS. Read Jeff Days blog about them, they really do beat the pants off most any other similar tube out there. I basically bought a lifetime supply.
I believe they probably do, but to be certain I would email: jimmcshane@prodigy.net and ask him. Also, Jeff Day (6 moons, Positive Feedback) has written extensively about this tube; he has a nice blog where he compares this tube in his Leben against many other tubes in this family.
Sabocat59, what amp are you using? These tubes keep getting better and better with time...
I understand these tubes are beginning to get scarce...so, I wouldn't delay too long. I think I have to buy a few more sets myself since I like them in my Cary and Primaluna better than the EL34s, KT88s. I know I am going to get a Leben very soon and they sound even better in that integrated amp.
How much for the jwn amps? I read the referenced article, if true, what Osher stated, type of sound I would enjoy methinks.
Thanks for your recommendations and links. I will investigate further. I don't need all that much power since I have efficient speakers, Tekton Lore and 4.5s as well as Infinity Prelude Compostions, and Sound Dynamics 300 ti (least efficient of the group).