Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hi Charles,
Hope all is well .
Its been a while since I visited the Audiogon forums and am slowly getting up to speed.
Like you,my goals in any improvement or evolution of my already very satisfying system is always the "organic factor" over anything else.
Sooooo...It looks like I have to get the Elrog 300B tubes!!
In combination with Mullard GZ37 rectifier tubes, whose impact on sound quality improvement were huge,the Elrogs should really make the Franks sing .
I'm hooked and I cant wait to get a pair.
I know we share similar values and choices on our hardware selection based on our "sonic morals" so I respect your evaluation and know I will be in for a real treat.
Thanks for doing the leg work and investigations for me and the other worshipers!
Hi Drdavid,
I won't go so far as say you'll worship the Elrog tubes but you'll find them very special. You know the impact of the Psvane 101D in the CSL. Well you can expect similar results with the Elrog ER 300b in your amplifier. An unquestionable improvement in the direction of natural and increased realistic sound. Let us know your listening impressions once you have the time to post.
Hi Charles,
What I meant about worshiping was that we (I include myself and other SET devotees)respect your opinion and seem to have similar audio values. And therefore worship you LOL.
I still need to do a bit of research wrt pricing, living in Canada with a much lower dollar and much higher duties
But I definitely plan to get a pair and would be happy to share my experience.
As far as respect is concerned the feeling is mutual toward you and other valued contributors on this thread.