EMIM from 4.5 infinity has anyone rebuilt?

I bought a pair of Infinity 4.5's with 1 bad EMIM midrange, anybody ever opened one? anybody have one they want to sell? Anybody know of anyone that rebuilds?

Hi Jvia,
I am an owner of IRS V system; please let me know if you'll know any address....
Thanks from Italy
I have rs 2.5's which use the same EMIM's, to open them you just need to unscrew the six outer screws, 2 on both sides and one on the top and bottom. They may need to be pried apart after that. The Diaphragms are sandwhiched between the two halves. I know of no one that repairs these units, Orange County Speakers is currently trying to find someone to remanufacture these diaphragms, they will put you on a waiting list. ( www.speakerrepair.com )I have four used diaphragms and four NOS diaphragms. I am going to replace my diaphragms and would be willing to let you get one of the old ones (they are in good condition) to repair your damaged one. This should help you out until new replacements are available.
scom@aol.com I would be a player on that. Let me know, i just sold a pair of 2.5's by the way I am at 615 260 9569