Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
Hi Chris,
This is indeed a strange hobby.  And one never knows when the most seemingly innocuous comment by a fellow audiophile will bring a breakthrough.  Such is the case with your last description of listening preferences.  I have a fair collection of classical music.  Mostly stuff an audiophile was supposed to own. Some shaded dogs, Chesky reissue shaded dogs and other audiophile "records to die for". But never much enjoyed listening to them.

After your latest post I figured I'd throw on a shaded dog.  First one was Fiedler and Boston Pops, "Fiddle Faddle."  Not exactly classical but close enough.  It was awful.  Just ear bleeding bright.  "Oh, no, am I back to the drawing board?"  Then I thought, wait a minute this is a shaded dog,  it should not sound like this.  Let's play with VTA.  Amazing!  Lyra says start with arm parallel to record and adjust from there, but with the tapered ET arm wands parallel is difficult to eyeball.

Well, I started adjusting and voilà I had been almost 5 marks too post high on the VTA gauge.  After proper adjustment all the excessive brightness and tizzyness disappeared and everything became warmer and smoother without loss of my coveted detail. Switched over to some of the records I rely on for set up an they were much improved also.   I can't believe I was so far off on VTA.
This helps explain why I had such a hard time choosing between two and three springs.

Well excuse me while I go listen to some shaded dogs.

Thanks again,

Well I guess it's time for me to stop lurking and ask some questions. I've enjoyed my ET2 for 25 years or more and rediscovered this thread last night. I  have a SOTA nova table with cosmos armboard made for the ET2. This has metal contact points for the base tripod and works well. I recently upgraded to the aluminum base, joint and VTA display. Running two WISA pumps out of phase and getting 7psi on my pressure gauge, with two diy surge tanks in series, and a small surge tank made from a  plastic gas tank for R/C planes located very close to the arm.
This last tweak hasn't been mentioned here but I think it helps. My I-beam is from the hobby store as well (twice the usual length) and allows me to place very little weight way out the beam. (There are limits I discovered.) My manifold is the high pressure one, tried with a shop vac and pressure regulator up to 30 psi, but the quieter background wasn't worth the noise in the basement. So, I'm back to the WISA's now. My cartridge is the Lyra Kleos recently replacing a still functioning 20 y/o Audioquest 7000 NSX. Arm is the magnesium one.
I've learned a lot in catching up on this thread and really appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm of this group for the ET-2. -I thought I was the last fanatic out there.
My plan is to try the double and/or triple leaf springs, maybe go for the Alita pump and start using the regulator again. 
I would also like to try the direct wiring harness, but don't know where to look for one. Any links available?
Thanks for a great discussion and cheers,
Hi, John,
Welcome aboard.  You are definitely at the right place.  Like you I've owned my ET II for over 25 years.  It's hard to beat.  The guys on this thread have vast experience with our arm and are quick to give great advice that really works.  No snake oil here.   I think, however, they are ready to throw me off this thread.   I can't believe that after 40 years as a wanna-be audiophile I was so stupid as to have my VTA so far off.  (See my last post.)  I'm really embarrassed 😡

Don't know if Chris will ever forgive me.

Hey Harry,
I found that it's easiest to set VTA with the Lyra cartridges by starting with the top of the cartridge parallel to the record surface and wiggle up and down from there by ear. -The little gauge that Bruce sells helps with very small adjustments and only $80.
Did you ever deal with Taylor House up in NC? 
Regards and thanks for reading my post,
Thanks for the VTA tip John.  I'll have to look into Bruce's gauge.  Is this his set-up gauge or one just for VTA?   No, I don't recall having dealt with Taylor house.  Where are they?