Emm Labs SE combo versus Wadia 581-SE

Hi Guys,

Anyone here compared the Emm Labs SE combo against Wadia 581-SE. Both will be driving the amps directly. Any feedback will be appriciated. Rest of my system: Krell KAS, Revel Ultimate Salon.
You will make a mistake if you buy something based on someone’s “what is better” suggestion.
You have to hear for yourself, preferably in your system.
The possibility of one the same player sounding the same in two different systems and rooms is nearly zero. Add to it sound preferences of a person that heard any of the players in some system somewhere, and try to translate wording used to describe the sound.
You will not know anything more than when you asked the question.
If it is a coin toss...

I would choose Wadia if you listen to classical music. It has the ability to pull out the detail of professional musicianship, the textures and layers from the composer, and the subtle nuances in balance and rhythm from the conductor. It also presents a realistic soundstage that makes a believable representation.

I might consider EMM if you listen to jazz, pop, and rock music. I don't feel those genres benefit as much from high resolution. The EMM may have some warmth that is needed for many popular recordings.

For classical music, I keep on coming back for the details. That is why I have 15 recordings of Mahler #2. If you like jazz and pop, the details are interesting, but does not sustain itself.

I seriously doubt that the max output on the Wadia would not readily play at an unhealthy level of loudness. Perhaps you know something I don't though.

In terms of Wadia with pre vs. no pre, there is no firm consensus. If you go without a pre and only have a single source, then you need to invest in a proper platform, power cord, and consider a modified unit.
Thanks again Rtnl,

I auditioned a Wadia 581-Se and it was infact very good just like you said and thats driving my amps directly. I listen to mostly acoustic guitar and piano pieces, sometimes a bit of female volcals.

I have since placed an order for one and will have it ometimes next week. BTW, how many hours do they need breaking in?.

It will take over 1000 hours to break in. It may sound disjointed and raw for the first 400-500. Then things will start to congeal.

There is also a decrease in performance when cold. It takes about 24 hours to warm-up. Not an issue, since you will leave it on all the time. My amps are the same way.

I've had good success with Elrod power cords. They tighten-up the base, and with increased dynamics and energy throughout. The 27ix sounded flat with stock cords, and the upgrade was truly eye opening. Some people like Virtual Dynamics, but I'd rather give my money to David Elrod.