EMT turntables as good as other great vintage TT?

Are the EMT turntables as good as the great Micro Seiki turntables, or the Pioneer Exclusive P3, or any of the other great vintage turntables. How would they stack up to today's modern turntables? I realize there are many different turntables in the EMT line. I have been reading that the 930st or the 950 seem to be the one's to buy with the 927 being quite rare and very expensive. Could someone take the mystery out of this line? Are they more collectible than sonically relevant?

Showing 2 responses by jake18

Thanks! I realize what you say is excellent advice. I was just hoping to gain some knowledge from folks about why they were making the decisions they were making and what they learned from doing so
I am going to be taking delivery of an EMT 948 soon and I am hearing a lot of differing opinions about how to get the best out of this table. I know this is par for the course in the pursuit of this passion of ours, but I would like to hear a discussion amongst all of you as why you hold specific views.

I’ve been told, for example:
-no plinth is best
-you must have a plinth and it must be made with certain materials (but those materials aren’t revealed because it would be giving away trade secrets - this I do understand from the business man’s perspective, but I’d love to hear from some of you hobbyists what you’ve learned works best with this table re: plinths)
-the only tonearm that will really work is the stock arm
-you must get rid of the stock arm
-the Tri-Planar is works great with the proper arm board
-the Tri-Planar doesn’t work well at all even if you do build an arm board for it - it would be better to use something like the Reed. What other arms work well, I’d like to know?
-you don’t want to use the stock phono stage
-the stock phono stage is very good
-this is one of the all time great turntables - just about everyone agrees on this one (except Syntax) including folks outside this posting that I’ve spoken to!

This is a new pursuit for me so I hope to learn a lot from those of you who have posted so far (and hopefully others) so I can get the most out moving deeper into the world of vinyl. I currently use a Merrill-Scillia MS2 belt driven table (with an upgraded power supply from a MS21)with a Tri-Planar arm and an Ortofon A90 cartridge. Prior to this table I had (and still have) a Well Tempered table purchased when they first appeared on the scene decades ago and were the hot ticket at the time replacing my trusty Linn Sondek. I also have a Koetsu Rosewood and a Van de Hul MC-1 cartridge. I’m using an Audion Quatro Premiere preamp with phono stage built in, or a Tom Evans Vibe/Pulse preamp with a Sanders Phono stage.

I want to thank the people I have spoken to so far. I’ve learned a lot already thanks to you!