Enlightened Audio designs

hey Guys,
A buddy of mine just gave me a Enlightened Audio Designs DAC model DSP 7000. I have a Music Hall 25.2. The EAD gives me the ability to play HCCD,which I'm listening to right now..pretty sweet. regular cd's eh..ok. What do I have here, worth keeping in my system or just let the Music Hall do the talking?

Showing 1 response by jsadurni

I have put my EAD 7000 III against a bunch of DACs including, Chord, Audio Note 1, Krell, DCS, Accuphase, etc. and with my Forsell transport the EAD beat all others...still looking for a contender (passively looking that is)...

If you want to upgrade look elsewhere in your chain, leave the EAD in, dump the Music Hall! I had a Music Hall CD25 mk1 with mods in PS, its a nice player, sold it long ago in search for a better transport, since I had a Squeezebox modded and unmodded, CEC TL1, and Forsell, the EAD stayed.