Equi=Tech Balanced Power vs. ?

Having finished my equipment purchases (for the time being), I have decided now to explore enhancing the electrical power in my media room.

PS Audio recommends regeneration; Richard Gray Power Company recommends having power in reserve that is added when the draw exceeds available capacity. Equi=Tech has an altogether different approach: balanced power.

I am writing to ask whether anyone has had an experience with Equi=tech/balanced power. I do note that none of their units has appeared for sale on Audiogon in recent weeks, which may be a positive reference of a sort itself. Moreover, has anyone had the opportunity to contrast the alternatives cited above?

Thank you.
there appears to be another sock-puppet in our midst. what's your game, ksales? -cfb
I use an after-market 20amp PC on my 2Q. It comes with a good sturdy heavy duty PC, however the after market cords do improve performance even on this product.
As I continue to browse forums and sites to find out about still more line conditioners, I ran across one manufactured by SMART Theater Systems of Norcross, GA called the GC-120. The engineering looks good, the claims relatively free of hyperbole, and the price ($1,995) attractive.

Has anyone heard it or have some knowledge of this balanced power line conditoner?
Cornfedboy I don't know what a sockpuppet means to you, but if the implication is that I work for some company and am posting a thread to help them out then you have made a mistake. I am a tech enthusiast who has two home theater apllications and with a significant investment in this equipment have done what anyone spending this much should and researched the market. I don't know if the equitech stuff is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I am merely conveying my impressions. I went to cedia in Indianapolis and listened to the PS audio and was fairly impressed. I was moving in that direction, but went to the equitech when many people in the business who had tested the equipment on their personal home audio systems steered away from it feeling that while it eliminated some problems with power it added problems by handling the current to such an extent that it took away from their high end amps.
Widescreen used Richard Gray on their system in conjuction with equitech, which the equitech guys felt was unnecessary. I believe widescreen only put it on the video side, but I am not sure.
Why did Cornfedboy's post disappear from the thread? Lawyers are like cops, never one around when you need one!