Esoteric G-02 clock - your thoughts

....I currently have the Esoteric G-03x clock in my system. I was wondering only to those Esoteric owners who have upgraded from the G-03x or from anybody who has purchased the G-02 clock what they thought. I like the clock in my system ...there is a difference but I would like to know if the G-02 is a step up from the G-03x.

Showing 5 responses by garebear

Gentlemen- I picked up the G-02 clock and my question to the forum is ; does a clock need time to '' break in '' ???
Hello Zephyr ...many thanks for taking the time to answer my question. My G-03X is matched with the Esoteric P-05 / D-05. I also have the Esoteric C-03x pre-amp and the A-03 amp. I was looking at adding another A-03 amp as we have an authorized dealer ( and great people by the way ) here on Audiogon that is selling one at a good price, but I am not sure if I want to get into bridging that amp as it a good one all on its own. So, I am looking at upgrading from my current G-03x clock. I do see where the G-02's clock has improved as well as the power supply which is critical and should / must mean an overall improvement in sound.
....thank you to everyone here. I have decided to go with the Esoertic G-02 as I sold the G-03x here on Audiogon. I should have the unit in about a week and will post my opinions at that time
Hello Zephyr24069.....thank you and I found that one out on what cables can do for a clock when I bought the G-03x. I currently have Purist Audio ( my whole system is PAD ) Proteus Provectus but have been looking at the Stealth Vardig Sextet's BNC's. Yes...they also make a difference....anything to spend my money on.
....thank you ; Justtubes 2 , but my question was does the Esoteric clock need any break in time ?