Evolution Acoustics MM2/MM3


i am toying with the idea of replacing my current speakers. I currently have Rockport Aviors, which by the way, I love.

The only reason reason I would contemplate changing the Aviors are for bigger, better scale of presentation, bass definition and depth and most importantly, the ability to adjust the bass and tweeter response. Hence the veer towards EA speakers.

While I have posted a similar post elsewhere in the forum, I hope someone will be able to comment on whether I am looking in the right direction or not? Also, I would be quite keen to buy a used pair of MM2 or MM3 ( for that matter) if someone here is keen to sell theirs on way to an upgrade.

neeless to say, I have heard only good things about EA and some recent impression, of one of my good audiophile friends, of the MM7 at Mike Lavigne's has piqued my interest substantially. Surely, I don't want to lose on the trade-in, so lots of things jostling in my mind at the same time. 

Would welcome ideas.......please!




Showing 1 response by oscilloscopium

I can only add my experience in 30 years' audio (and... love for music... obviously) just ended in 2016 with a purchase of EA MM3's speakers.
I came from Kharma Grand Ceramique and I know very well all the higher actual Kharma production; furthermore I currently listen to a few high systems of my friends with Wilson Maxx3/Alexandria; Rockport Ankaa, YG Anat and before making my choice I visited two editions of Munchen high-end fair with many interesting rooms and speakers.
My preference goes to EA MM3's that shows great detail through all spectrum and have an exceptional the ability to adapt to relatively small spaces and also to sound great in large rooms. The option of tuning the bass is very useful and the integration bass-mid-highs is excellent.
One caveat? weight! 575 lbs are not easy to deal with.
my two cents