Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope

Showing 3 responses by griffithds

Hello Henry,

It is true that our Serbian Comrade does like his 'artillery' large. Just ask him about his favorite melons!
It would appear that our warrior brother lured you into a trap with his tempting Glantzs only to reap the rewards of a AT155.
He is a sly one! He has been spending his latest hours listening to his AT150 ANV. cartridge. It just might 'force' him to rethink his preference for those LOMC's. But his Serbian pride might keep him from ever admitting it to us! (grin)


Hi Tom,

I don't know where you dig up these articles, or even remember where you store them, but thanks anyway. Very interesting read. Most surprise to find Bob Graham's name listed as article provider. I own 2 of his 2.2 arms. What great things develop from such simple ideals!
Hello Henry,

Your clarification "… it is being compared to the ‘crème de la crème’ of my selected collection." has put everything that you have stated into clear perspective. Just because they have not replaced your harem's #1 cartridge or cartridges, does not mean they are not competitors! Matter of fact, there would be nothing wrong with being #2 if so be judged when comparisons are made at that level!
I also have a few of the Glantz's/Astatic's. Because of the bodies/generators all being the same, it is not quite true to say that a person has a favorite Glantz. It would be more 'correct' for you have a favorite cantilever/stylus combination mounted on the Glantz. Mine happens to be the MF 21TL. Even more so over the Astatic MF100. The TL is a Line Contact styus on a Titanium cantilever where as the MF100 has the softer sounding Shibata stylus. It's all system related or personnel preference so do enjoy your Glantz that you have acquired from our comrade in the Neverlands, I mean Netherlands! (grin) I am also happy to hear that our beloved comrade has "FINALLY" acquired a AT155. He has lusted after one of those for so long that I thought perhaps hell was going to freeze over!
Best regards,