Good looking tube amp suggestions

My bedroom furniture is 1930s / 1940s art deco, and I'm thinking this is a good excuse to put together a second, retro-looking system. Cosmetics will be as important as sonics. The source will probably be an old Sony 707ES/ Theta Pro Prime I still have, and speakers are going to be a DIY made from my old car stereo (B&W -Does anyone else remember their MASS car stereo line?-8" woofers and tweeters based on the 801s', and Eton mids)in skyscraper shaped cabinets. This leaves the amp. I'd like something that shows lots of tubes, and has a vibrant non-fatiguing sound, rich in the MIDBASS. Due to where it has to go, it can't be more than 18" deep, preferably less than 16" This lets out one of my favorites, the AtmaSphere S30. Used price should be less than $1500. 2 main contenders from what I've read are the AR VSi55 and the Manley Stingray. I'm concerned that either of these might be a bit bright in the upper midrange, and the Stingray bass may not be that rich. Has anyone compared these 2 amps? Any other suggestions?

Showing 1 response by aisip

Do a search for Moth Audio. Probably the most retro, Art Decoish looking designs I've seen. Sonus Faber makes a cute little integrated, so does SAP Electronics. Both these Italian firms employ classic designs that will compliment your retro decor. Just my suggestion.

Good luck,