Good Preamp for Emerald Physics 2.3

I was wondering what preamp people have found that matched well with Emerald Physics CS 2.3? Or, does it even matter since the Behringer crossover will convert everything digital and back to analog inside it? I would hate to spend alot of money on a great preamp/DAC and it not matter since there is conversion done in the Behringer 2496 anyway. Any thoughts and advice would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by allchemie

The best tube pre-amps from the $1,000 to $5,000 range would be as follows:

The Doge 8 ~ $1,150 (an incredible bargain for top drawer
performance. Comes with a phono stage.

The Audio Horizon 2.2 ~ $2,750 (excellent performance
many upgrades possible).

Coincident Technology Linestage ~ $5,000 ( a great bargain
considering its mind-blowing performance. Only downside is it only has 2 inputs.
