Goodtube integrated

Looking to try a tube integrated in my system in $2k or so range. Sony5400es, Ohm Walsh 100s3, CA 740cdp,anti cables. Thinking Rogue, Cayin, primaluna? BTW live in HI so all will be unheard before buying. Listen to jazz,rock,acoustic guitars lots of female vocalists like Krall, Rondsdtadt, Billie Holiday, Joni Mitchell etc.
I am using a ptimaluna dialogue 2 with kt88s and it a great, well made, self biasing integrated that is very musical, It replaces a set of spectral dma50s. I got mine used from a dealer for $1750, and am very, very pleased with it. Upscale Audio offers lots of matched tubes for tube rolling. Oh, it also comes with a very nice remote.
The Audiomat Reference 10 is magnificent sounding and doesn't seem to run as hot as some others of similar power.
Of the 3 you mention, I like Rogue. Made in the US and they really stand behind their products if something goes wrong. Excellent SQ as well.
I've owned a Rogue Cronus Magnum since early April and enjoy it very much. It's in your price range and should provide ample power for your Ohm Walsh speakers.
"I am using a ptimaluna dialogue 2 with kt88s and it a great, well made, self biasing integrated that is" Made in China.
Beware of Cayin - I have two Cayin A100T integratgeds which are down due to lack of parts for repair from distributor (VSA) or manufacturer. Over 4 months now. Distributor has made promises, repeatedly, but can neither repair nor furnish parts. Hope springs eternal but I'm moving on I think. Sorry, to rain on your Cayin parade, Buconero 17. :-(
"Beware of Cayin - I have two Cayin A100T integratgeds which are down due to lack of parts for repair from distributor (VSA) or manufacturer. Over 4 months now. Distributor has made promises, repeatedly, but can neither repair nor furnish parts. Hope springs eternal but I'm moving on I think. Sorry, to rain on your Cayin parade, Buconero 17. :-("

That's got to be extremely frustrating and is something that would never happen with the likes of Rogue, Cary or Manley.
"That's got to be extremely frustrating and is something that would never happen with the likes of Rogue, Cary or Manley."

Maybe not Rogue or Manley, but I heard Cary changed hands (or something similar) and its not the company it once was.
Zd542 - Dennis Had is no longer in charge of Cary but my service experience since he left has been excellent. What has been your direct experience with the company?
Have PrimaLuna and Cayin tube gear. Can recommend both very highly.

Manley gear is very highly rated, as is Rogue.

Never had issues with my Cayin A88T integrated. Bought it used four years ago and still going strong.

PrimaLuna may be the best bang for your buck.
I would highly recommend the PrimaLuna line - I use a Dialogue 2 myself. I prefer it with EL34's rather than the KT88s.
Rogue Audio Cronus ... after five and a half years, mine sounds better than ever. It is truly a wonderful amplifier, and the company is a pleasure to deal with. When you call Rogue at their Pennsylvania headquarters, chances are that Mark O'Brien himself will answer the phone, and give you all the answers and good advice that you need.
There is a primaluna dialogue 2 for sale on audio asylum currently if you are interested.
Line Magnetic 211IA or 216Ia
Great build, great sound, Great value punch way way above their price. Poor man's Shindo.
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