Graaf GM200 OTL amps with Sound Lab

Does anyone have experience with the Graaf GM200 OTL tube amps on the Sound Lab electrostatic speakers? If so, what are your impressions and findings? Compared to Wolcotts or Vivas or Atma-spheres or VTLs or ?

Showing 1 response by gerrym5

Sounds like a very good system coming together with these choices. One of my friends has Mtma-sphere MA2 MKIIs on Sound Labs. His system sounds wonderful. The Atma-sphere's are the best sounding, by far, amps his has ever in the system. I even tried a home demo on my Wilson system. These amps sounded fast,open, detail, but yet very musical. They had some advantages/distadvantages over my present amps. I can really recommend them just on sound quality alone. Personally, I don't like their 1970ish industrial and massive looks. Graaf are the clear winner on aesthetics. I would believe the Atma-sphere were sound better than the Graaf on the Sound Labs because of their ability because of their to handle SL's difficult current loads. A home demo is a must at these prices levels. Reviews on both are in the magazines. Let us know what happens and good luck! Gerrym5