Green Mountain Audio still in business?

Sent out email to them, but have not heard anything back. Are they still in business?



Showing 2 responses by bombaywalla


I'm a GMA C1.5i owner & have spoken to Roy many times. He has never blown me off on the phone or email & always found time to discuss speaker issues with me. I have to admit that I called him a lot this Summer: June, July just before the C3 went into production.
Roy knew that he was going to get real busy so he told me always *call him* henceforth as he was going to have far to much work to keep up with emails. Thus, I suggest that you call him & not email him. The # is (719) 636-2500. Often one of his employee, Ken, picks up the phone. Ken is pretty good about giving msgs to Roy. I've not had Roy not return my call thus far.
They are very much in business - just over-worked getting enough Europas & C3s thru the door!
Welcome to the Green Mountain "family", Gmood1! Glad to read that you are really enjoying the Europas.