Hansen Emperor vs......

Hi all,

I'm curious if anyone has ever listened to the Hansen Emperor speakers? How would you rate them against eg. Marten Coltrane, Kharma speakers and the Avalon Eidolon Diamond for instance?

I've heard good things about Hansen but have no experience with them, Could anyone describe the sound?

Thanks a lot

Showing 4 responses by guidocorona

I only heard the Hansen Prince (?) last year at RMAF in the auditorium under less than perfect conditions. . . the impression was of a hard and etched sound. I'll make it a point to listen to Hansen again this year. G.
Thank you Wildwildwes for the model correction. Unfortunately I can report only what my ears detected, regardless of lore. . . . and that system sounded screetchy to these ears, beyond what I deemed to be the venue's fault. G.
Thank you Wildwildwes, I may be very well wrong on the 2nd count as well, that would not surprise me. I was in the auditorium for over 2 hours during and after the 2007 TAS seminar. I recall asking what electronics was driving the Hansens. . . my recollection of the answer may very well be flawed. . . and when I was 12 my Mom taught me that groping racks uninvited will get my hands slapped. . . and I try to be a good boy. . . I'll call her next Sunday. . . I'll try to remember to ask her what kind of racks she meant.