Harbeth 7es-3 Sound

What is the 'Harbeth Sound?'

And what about the new 7es-3 speakers makes them so special?

Can you compare them to my current speakers, Reference 3a De Capo I ?
These speakers excel with vocals and mid range, where 90% of all recorded music typically lies. They have a relaxed feel and allow for extended listening--they are very musical in nature. They share a legacy with the original BBC Monitors that were used extensively over a three decade period. Proac, Spendor and Tannoy share similar profiles.
These are wonderful speakers and provide a richness that many other expensive speakers lack.
They have an incredible delicacy in the midrange that provides
a real intimacy to recordings.
They don't however, have as much clarity up top as some others, and may lack a little in dynamics if you like your rock music punchy.
That said, they are very forgiving of the front end and are incredible value.
I love them.
Very good speakers. very musical, highly articulate, mids are very very clear with weight on them.
the reference3a decapa is a different listen thasn the harbeth, but just as valid.
Finally got to hear these speakers yesterday.

What I heard was excellent driver integration - you don't have the sensation of where/when the tweeter takes over (which is such a common problem in two way speakers).

A warm wooden or boxy resonant sound in the bass. (Nice for acoustic music at low levels - great ambience but can get overwhelming at loud levels) The highs are nice and polite with a delicate touch - really good. And the mid range is the best part of this speaker - it is better than other Harbeth's but just a tad polite or recessed. Apart form the bass response overall it is very accurate/neutral. I suspect the driver has great internal damping which makes it so pleasant and natural to listen to compared to the horrible sound of metal drivers (all those resonances). Great that Harbeth is still making their drivers when many manufacturers just buy off the shelf mass produced stuff.

This is a very relaxing speaker. I would not use it for rock or orchestral or big band as I don't think the drivers/cabinet are robust enough to even play moderately loud. This is the kind of speaker I would enjoy in my study whilst quietly reading and listeing to beautiful vocalists...