Harbeth 7es-3 Sound

What is the 'Harbeth Sound?'

And what about the new 7es-3 speakers makes them so special?

Can you compare them to my current speakers, Reference 3a De Capo I ?
These speakers excel with vocals and mid range, where 90% of all recorded music typically lies. They have a relaxed feel and allow for extended listening--they are very musical in nature. They share a legacy with the original BBC Monitors that were used extensively over a three decade period. Proac, Spendor and Tannoy share similar profiles.
These are wonderful speakers and provide a richness that many other expensive speakers lack.
They have an incredible delicacy in the midrange that provides
a real intimacy to recordings.
They don't however, have as much clarity up top as some others, and may lack a little in dynamics if you like your rock music punchy.
That said, they are very forgiving of the front end and are incredible value.
I love them.
Very good speakers. very musical, highly articulate, mids are very very clear with weight on them.