Has anyone experianced Synesthesia?

To be more specific Auditory Synesthesia, from what I understand it is quite rare. At least when it isn't induced by hallucinogenics or other narcotics.

For those of who don't know what it is, it is basically a swapping of sensory perception. Like tasting sound, hearing colors and so on. As you may have guessed I can, at times, (not always, it's not some superpower) see sound traveling through the air like 3D ripples propagating in water...... A gift? I'm not so sure, it can make driving quite difficult when it kicks in.

However it has brought me to where I am today.....

Upon reflection I think it is a lot like A.D.H.D. (which I also have) - not a disease. You see, if control is learned or achieved over A.D.H.D., you can function on a different level than most.

My A.D.H.D (after mastering it's quirks) has made my life easier. By design A.D.H.D. makes your brain work at high speeds, hence the trouble children have with it. I found that if I could process the high speed information coming in, I could use it just as fast. Something I'm teaching my son to do now, hopefully saving him the problems I had adjusting as a child.

Like I said it is not a disease, in fact I believe it is a gift.

I just hope the Synesthesia can be just as useful. So let me know what you think..... disease or gift? Any extra information on this condition (Synesthesia) would be greatly appreciated.

Also I'd like to add that I am not an audio genius or anything, just like the A.D.H.D., you have to know what to do with the information coming in.

Synesthesia Studios
Praise God! I've been to more doctors, shrinks, charlatans,
and witchdoctors than you can shake a stick at. They tell me that it's all in my head...which I guess it is. I'm just so relieved to know that this 'thing' has a name and that I'm not alone. Sometimes it gets so bad that I don't leave my house for weeks at a time. And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I had my license revoked for driving the wrong way on the freeway (I-80). I could have died or killed someone for heavens sake. It's a curse alright.

I wish that the bosses here would allow us to exchange phone numbers. It would be such a blessing to know that I could reach out during a crisis. Andrew, you'd be number one on my list of people to call. Thank you for your post.

Keep the faith my brothers...and sisters.
Many thanks.

I've just come home from shopping and am happy to report that there's nothing to report, aura wise. Nothing at all.

Save for the unicorn that cut me off on the way home.

All the best,
Reading about others' experiences I feel cheated. The experts promised flashback episodes and there hasn't even been one. ;-)