
Responses from fpeel

Top music streamer for 2019? Aurender N10’s?
@nyev,I have a Moon MiND2 and a Bluesound Node2. Had the Node2 first and it was convenient for using my NAS based library. But something always seemed missing in the Node2's playback; the sound seemed compressed. Always used the CD player for ser... 
What is the first album you purchased, and do you still have it?
"Deep Purple - Machine Head." Seeing my purchase my sister's comment was, "There may be hope for you after all."No longer have the album; it was stolen in a burglary. Do have it on CD. Which I'm going to play right now. 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
Assuming that was aimed at me (though like a true cowardly troll you don’t get too specific about the target) allow me to use this ladder to lower myself to your level. Bite me.Feel better? 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
Folks, the topic is not the issue. It’s because some posters believe denigrating or attacking others that hold differing perspectives somehow improves their position. They attack the messenger instead of the message. It appears they don’t understa... 
Bluesound Node 2
The Bluesound Node 2 in my system links the FLAC ripped and verified music library stored on my NAS to an all tube sound system. The Node 2's interface software is run on an Android tablet which is adds convenience. An audiophile friend Bluetooth... 
Filling speaker stands: sand, lead, steel, rice. Full, half, etc?
> Chicken Fry rice is always improve the sound. Especially if your system needs a little extra "sizzle". 
Cary SLI-80 capacitor problem questions
I appreciate the response, Sfar. Am reviewing options and will post the results here afterwards for the next victim. ;-) Thanks again. 
Cary SLI-80 capacitor problem questions
Sfar, I'm having an issue with my SLI-80 similar to the one you described. Care to share a ballpark figure on the cost of your repair? 
Reason for selling is...
> (I also fully expected posts from people who (1) can't read; (2) can't write, and (3) can't think; so thanks guys for not letting me down in that regard).Don't feed the troll. 
What, if any, component to upgrade? Advice?
A properly integrated sub not only adds heft and depth, it provides a more solid foundation for the sound from your monitors to ride on. The result is definitely more "presence".REL subs can connect to the amp's speaker connectors, so not having a... 
Has anyone experianced Synesthesia?
Reading about others' experiences I feel cheated. The experts promised flashback episodes and there hasn't even been one. ;-) 
My PS Audio Duet Power Center Stopped working
Pdn, you can snug up IECs with Teflon plumber's tape, the kind used to make pipe joints water tight. A few wraps is usually enough. 
Made in America
Regardless of product genre (audio or otherwise) I always try to buy American whenever possible and always avoid Chinese goods. The former because I see it as being best for our economy, the latter because of far too many experiences with poor qua... 
Best beer
BTW, Tycobb wins. Can't argue with that! 
Best beer
Good call on the Smoked Arrogant Bastard, Martykl. Excellent brew except it only comes in a four-pack. ;-) Good luck finding these next two (though they're worth the effort):Shipyard Bourbon Barrel Aged Double ESB (limited edition)Drake's Brewing ...