Has anyone heard the Magico Mini?

I am very curious to hear the Magico Mini. It is getting great press in many areas and I am wandering if anyone has heard them. How do they compare to the Wilson Watt 8's or the Kharma's or the new Sonus Faber Guarneri's etc.
If I am not mistaken, they are priced about the same as the Watt/Pup 8's and more the Guarneri or Kharma 3.2.
The Mini at my pal's home does not sound bright at all.We were very careful about set up.It really sounds wonderful,and at HE 2007 I liked it alot.My friend is getting better performance than the show demo,actually.
Also,remember the Wilson WP-8 at HE 2007 was in a MUCH bigger room!!That can make or break the sound(not to mention the incredible Lamm 2.1 driving them).Also,at the back of the Wilson/Lamm room the WP's were WAY too bass heavy.No surprise from that seating position though.
I truly like the Magico speaker,and it is a fine design.I am also probably getting a bit carried away with the price criticism,but I get the feeling the review community(TAS's JV)is helping to vault the price,by not cautioning this,and going on and on(as always)about it's "fabulosity"!My only bone of contention is the price is getting just too high for a stand mount two way design.Suddenly the superb Kharma 3.2(don't let anyone kid you,this is a fabulous speaker)does not look so expensive,and the Verity Parsifal Ovation is looking like a "steal"!....Sorry....and I'm sure to get slammed for my "opinion".
Now for some performance observations compared to my Avalon Ascent MK-II's(which cannot be torn away from me regardless of market hype).This will surely stoke some flames,but it is how I hear it,and some experienced audio friends too,I am sure...
My Magico Mini friend has an almost identical set-up as me,except speaker, and obviously room.As stated the Mini to me is a wonderful design,and goes full range in his room,with superb neutrality.It really does almost anyone can want,within reason.The new bass/mid driver is slightly dark/warm sounding,so you could technically call this a minor coloration.That's being really picky.I like it,as it is currently voiced!
We always compare notes about performance,and in truth,the Ascents(though an older design,but a WAY over built design)is "just" as neutral(as in color free)and has a touch more openness in the upper midrange,due to the superb mid driver employeed(a two inch aluminum/magnesium design).The Ascent "with todays best electronics",is strikingly similar to the Mini,and I am sure some remembering it will disagree,but the electronics of that time,and line conditioners etc were nowhere near as good as the stuff of today.The Ascent really stands the test of time.IT WAS a three way design though,and is "absolutely" as coherent as the Mini,and actually images better.
The tonal balance is very similar,except that the Ascent has a slightly better upper mid airyness,due to the superb small mid driver.
We compared multiple LP's,like "Bang Baroom and Harp",The Decca pressing of "Prince of The Pagodas",Mercury's "Black Maskers",Ricky Lee Jones' "Pop Pop",and the Pendrecki "Cto For Harpsichord".Amongst others.
The Mini fans will definitely protest(why,really,as it is a great speaker)and some remembering the Ascent(with the inferior electronics,and ancillaries of the day)may go ballistic too,but if anyone sees an Avalon Ascent used...Jump on it!It IS a true classic,and can be had for about five to six thousand US dollars.They show up rarely though.Now you know why!

Also,remember the Wilson WP-8 at HE 2007 was in a MUCH bigger room!!That can make or break the sound(not to mention the incredible Lamm 2.1 driving them).Also,at the back of the Wilson/Lamm room the WP's were WAY too bass heavy.No surprise from that seating position though.

The Wilson/BAT room was either smaller or around the same size as the Mini room. That is the room I was referring to... IMO the LAMM room didn't sound as good as the BAT room (I got to experience it in the seat that had the tape-mark "x" under it), but still better sounding to me than the Mini room. I liked the Dynaudio C1 room better than the Mini room as well.
Jkalman,yes you are right.I forgot the BAT room.Sorry!
That room seemed a bit dark sounding to me,but that is just personal taste.I moved around the LAMM/WP demo room alot.I LOVED the Ella/Louis sound(actually "music")that the little LAMM 2.1's convey with the WP's.The 2.1 is STILL one of the finest amps I have ever experienced,regardless of topology.GOD I love that amp(don't own one,btw,just my personal observations)!!
The C-1,though,also,a bit dark sounding(remember the room was totally surrounded with curtains)really impressed me.A superb two way design!Very dynamic,and a superb soundstage.
Still,I cannot see anyone not loving the Mini demo,at the show.I stayed when they were playing analog master tapes.Fabulous,but we each have our own priorities,which is how it should be.
The C-1,though,also,a bit dark sounding(remember the room was totally surrounded with curtains)really impressed me.A superb two way design!Very dynamic,and a superb soundstage.
Still,I cannot see anyone not loving the Mini demo,at the show.I stayed when they were playing analog master tapes.Fabulous,but we each have our own priorities,which is how it should be.

Yeah, the lack of any treatment in the Mini room gives me consideration to want to demo them in a better environment... Hopefully, I will find some time eventually. All the other rooms mentioned, except the Lamm and Mini room, at least had high frequency absorption via curtains. The reason I'm not completely forgiving of the Mini setup though, is because some rooms like the Lamm room and Scaena room, which weren't treated at all either, still managed to sound excellent despite it all. Then there were rooms with treatment that I didn't feel sounded very good despite the effort put into treating the environment...
Looks like the Magico Mini has been discontinued...No longer on Magico's web page.