Has anyone heard the Totem Acoustic's Wind?


I'm a very satisfied owner of Totem Acoustic's Hawk loudspeakers. I was just curious if anyone has heard their Wind loudspeakers and could comment on the sound. They look very promising.



Showing 2 responses by jh2os

I've heard the Winds at a local dealer and they were very impressive! They were paired with Totem's own integrated (a venture with Sim Audio), and I forget the source. I heard them with Krell monoblocks as well, but preferred the sound of them paired with Totem's monster integrated.

If you like the Totem sound, I think you will appreciate the Wind's very much! If I ever have the space and the budget, I want to own these someday. They portrayed an effortless recreation of the musical space and totally drew you into the music.
Spacekadet, the Winds are in a different league compared to the Hawks IMO. There soundstaging capability and effortless portrayal of the space leaves you feeling 'you are there'! I beleive they are worth the price, but agree with Sonance, that that is a lot to pay for a speaker sight-un-heard.

I never owned the Mani-2, but the Tabu. Same physical size, but missing the second inner driver. Personally, I preferred the Tabu's smoother presentation to the added bass of the Mani-2. The Forrest replaced the Tabu, but all of these are at a level below the Wind IMO.

I haven't heard the Wind with a large orchestral/symphony recording, but from what I heard listening to quite a few live jazz tracks left me with the impression that these speakers would have little problem reproducing anything!

I am a huge fan of that Totem sound, and for me the Wind's are the 'holy grail' in which someday I hope to reach!

Feel free to email me if you have any more questions. If you are considering them, and spending that kind of $, it would be worth a couple hour drive to at least here them in person.