Has anyone listened to the Grado Statement ?

I know they have reviews written about it,but I just wanted to hear from any Audiogoners about the reproduction of this cartridge,in your own words, by your own ears.
I'm leaning toward the Ref. Ref.due to my preamp not having the gain fro the .75Mv.The preamp is the CJ PV-5
with 41db gain in phono stage.Another concern I have is the cartridge on the Statement cost$1,650.00 for a retip.Ouch Ouch! That seems a bit steep,but maybe not at its 2.5k retail.Also is the extra 1K in price over the Reference
clearly heard in your opinion or not?Maybe that is too subjective of a question to answer.

Showing 5 responses by 76doublebass

I concur with you as well.This cartridge had my wife twisting away in the living room to Boosa Nova.What a site that was.And no she's not an Audiophile,but I think I have her converted.
Thanks sdcampbell for your input.I'm certain I will be buying the Ref. Ref. High output with my CJ PV-5.
I have the Wally Tracker to get the Azmith and overhang
dead on the spot with my Morch UP-4 Arm and VPI MK3 Table.
I'm sure I'll be spinnig many records once I get the cartridge after the first of July.
My front end system should be really singing then.I'm currently using the Grado Prestidge Silver Cartridge with a
high input of 5Mv. and it works just fine with the CJ PV-5.
I don't think my preamp can even handle a 2.5 Mv. output.
Chris thanks for your helpful advise,But I'm not sure if I
made myself clear or not on my post. I need a cartridge with an output
of(5 Millivolts) NOT .5 Millivolts,or .45 Millivolts.
my preamp probably can't even handle a 2.5 Mv. output
from the Sumiko Blackbird which I almost bought but Conrad
Johnson told me that it would be marginal to even use
the Blackbird with my CJ PV-5.
I realized to begin with that the Grado Statement output wise was not compatible with my preamp,and that I would need to buy additional hardware to get it to work for me.
I was just curious about the sonic difference between the Ref. Ref. and the Statement Ref. which cost 2.5k
SDCAMPBELL answered the question I was wondering about on this post.
But the ZYX Top of the line for 7K must be one honey of a cartridge!If I get a huge rebate in the mail I'll buy one.
Take Care Happy Listening
Thanks for the info Paul.An Audiophile friend of mine whos
ears I trusted in the past told me the SONATA was a very special cartridge in the Grado line,and he thought it was one of their best period.But your saying that is not the case which I'm sure is true.I think he was just trying to sell me his used Sonata so what else would he say.
From what I learned from speaking to Grado directly is each step up in the line portrays more honestly what was recorded at the original event.
I will be buying a Grado Ref. Ref. High Output on the 1st of July which is compatible with my preamp,and will be a huge jump up from the Grado Silver I'm currently using.
I anticipate Audio Heaven with my VPI MK3 Morch UP-4 Silver wired Arm,cCJ-PV-5,ARC VT-60,and Martin Logan Quest z'S.
I've also evaluated several toenarm cables from FATWYRE and I'm leaning toward the Kimber Silver Ag.So I probably won't be leaving the house very much once I get the Grado cartridge and tonearm cable.
Well I finally have the Grado Reference Reference installed on myVPI MK3 Table ,Morch UP-4 Arm,and I must say this has been the largest sound quailty improvement then any other component change.
I will do a review on this web site as too my observations.
But if the Reference super charged my front end like this,
I'm sure the Statement must turbocharge it to levels unheard of by any cartridge just a few years ago.
I'm now spinning vinyl too the wee hours of the morning
and I'm sure I will keep Classic Records ,Acoustic Sounds, and Music Direct busy for a long time.
Happy Listening