has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
I'm going to trial the PW DAC with my Duet and eventually pick up a NAS when the bridge is out ("Has anyone seen that confounded bridge" - Led Zep) Using the Duet is much more convenient than getting off the couch, turning up the lights and digging through the CD drawers to find the next selection.

I now have the Duet feeding a Cullen Stage 4 PS Audio DL3 and it sounds pretty darn good, but it won't handle any rez higher than redbook, hence my interest in the PWD. It will be interesting to compare the two DACs.
Actually, the Duet will support up to 24/48 natively. I'm not sure about the DL-III (I know it up-samples – not sure about native though)?? I do know that the 24/96 files that I feed my Cullen-modded DL-III via the Duet all sound superior to my Redbook.
How are you feeding 24/96 files to the DAC? Are you using a software player that downsamples them to 16/44? Tell me how so I can try it!


Since you have the SB Duet, you are undoubtedly running the SqueezeCenter software, which will down-convert 24/96, or anything higher, to the Duet's native 24/48 output. I’m not sure if SqueezeCenter up-converts 16/44 to 24/48, or if it simply streams the 16/44…anyone?? Now, what I don't know is what the DL-III does with the 24/48 signal. It will depend on what it supports natively (maybe the PS Audio website has this information available), but remember it is an up-sampling DAC. So, if you have the DAC set on 24/96, it probably takes the 24/48 signal (and/or 16/44) and up-samples it to 24/96 (I assume this is the protocol). In native mode, the PWD will support up to 24/192 without any up-sampling (i.e.: it will support the Duet's 24/48 "signal" natively).

PS says that the USB on the PWD, which supports 24/96, runs straight to I2S and is one of the best USB interfaces available, but the Duet doesn’t support USB – so you and I will have to run S/PDIF. Once the Bridge arrives, the best interface between it and the NAS will be Ethernet (or wireless – if they go that route, but it sounds like they’re still undecided), effectively eliminating the need for USB or S/PDIF. The Bridge will also go directly to I2S (the PS protocol is to place the Bridge/Lens in the chain prior to the analog conversion, at which point it is output to I2S with asynchronous clocking).