has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
Paul M of PS Audio said he believes the price on the bridge will be in the $500 range. But that is subject to change if they change the design (which is possible given the current design lacks wireless - an unacceptable condition in my eyes).

I'm still waiting for delivery of my DAC - no word on when that will be. Not even sure if my dealer has one yet.

I'm still waiting on mine too. Like you, I’m hoping for a wireless Bridge, but as long as the remote control interface is stiller (which Paul indicates that it will be) I can live with an Ethernet connection - which might even enhance the transmission quality. It would be another freakin' wire to string across the floor though.

While you’re awaiting the Bridge, what will interface your Sonos and PWD with – USB or S/PDIF?
I'm going to trial the PW DAC with my Duet and eventually pick up a NAS when the bridge is out ("Has anyone seen that confounded bridge" - Led Zep) Using the Duet is much more convenient than getting off the couch, turning up the lights and digging through the CD drawers to find the next selection.

I now have the Duet feeding a Cullen Stage 4 PS Audio DL3 and it sounds pretty darn good, but it won't handle any rez higher than redbook, hence my interest in the PWD. It will be interesting to compare the two DACs.
Actually, the Duet will support up to 24/48 natively. I'm not sure about the DL-III (I know it up-samples – not sure about native though)?? I do know that the 24/96 files that I feed my Cullen-modded DL-III via the Duet all sound superior to my Redbook.