Have 300b MB want a killer pair of Hi-Eff speakers

Looking to fill a 12'X25' room with a speaker that will do justice down to 38hz. Speakers must work 5+ feet from the back wall. May try to integrate a sub down the road,stand or floor mounted ok. 50's & 60's Jazz and vocals my pref. Gota be able to do the left handed piano keys and acoustic bass. Thank you in advance for your recomends!

Showing 4 responses by sibelius

Yet another recommendation for a PHY based speaker. If you want true bass down to 38, you probably want to use a speaker with a 12" PHY. The Tonian Classic 12 fits the bill. There are other very good PHY based brands but I've always been drawn to Tony's speakers and the way he integrates the PHY driver with his modified supertweeter. PHY speakers are not cheap but I find they are worth the additional cost.

In my case it was because I had the chance to demo the Tonians at a Trade show. Given the amount of $ PHY speakers cost, I could not justify buying one without listening to it first. Since Tony is based in Southern California and is the US PHY distributor, it makes sense that more people here probably have a chance to listen to his speaker vs. the others. Tony also sells cheaper (Fostex) based speakers so I think he also gets folks who like the Fostex trading up to the PHY and AER based models over time.


My understanding is that since Tony is using a Supertweeter the X-over is in the neighborhood of 15Khz. It's seemless because the PHY is essentially running as a full range single driver with the supertweeter adding some sparkle on the very top end.

The reason I purchased the Tonians is because unamplified Classical music (symphonies and chamber music) is my reference and I thought the Tonians did this better than any other speaker I heard at the Trade show (Last year's California Audio Show in Northern California).
I was unaware that he had passed. Thank you for the update. I also hope plans were made to keep the PHY product continuing in his absence.