Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?

After hearing some Rogue equipment (and reading all the comments on Audiogon) I was able to get a pair of the monoblocks for a great price on Ebay. Now I need to figure out the next upgrade step. I have a Conrad Johnson PV5, and wonder what might match the Rogue well (besides, of course the Rogue preamps.) Or would I do better to get some NOS tubes for the CJ? I'd like to keep the preamp upgrade under $2000. I'm using Proac Tablettes now, but they'll get upgraded eventually as well. I listen to all kinds of music. Thanks.
Hi All -

Thanks for your input, some of which has been very helpful. Unfortunately, I seem to have started a little war here that is pretty much off my subject matter. If we could go back to my basic question, that would be great. If not, maybe someone should start another string more appropriately titled to what you've been discussing.
sgreenburg, yure rite, & i aploogize. my 1st post was a simple attempt to answer your question, it specifically *was* on the subject matter. when i was rudely attacked, i felt compelled to defend myself. ya, i guess it's a little war. in hindsight, i tink it wood have been appropriate to simply respond to leafs w/someting like: yeah, sure leafs, whatever...

sorry, doug s.

What tube types does the PV5 use and what is now installed in the unit? This may be a better first step depending on what's in there tube wise now.
The unit was retubed a few years ago before I knew about NOS tubes, so I'm sure there's nothing exciting in there. I'll have to check the manual for the types of tubes. Thanks for asking.