Have you been Shpongleized?

Since I started my quest for new music several years ago I've come across some very interesting music from Thievery Corporation, LCD Soundsystem, Bonobo, to name a few. However, I'm shaking my head over Shpongle's Nothing Lasts but Nothing is lost. This CD is nothing less than phenomenal. To write their music off as Pyschedelia does a disservice IMO. Has anyone else been turned on to these guys?
My favourite still remain Future Sound Of London...Glad I'm not the only one who listen to something different here...
Love Thievery Corp, and thanks to you I am now Shpongleyesed. Listened to some bits and ordered the whole lot....

It sounds like the kind of music I could really be driven crazy by....I must admit however the I might enjoy being Shpongelized, if only to blog about it to unsuspecting audiophiles.